If you miss your ex-girlfriend, you might be very confused and sad. You’re probably wondering why you miss her and what you should do.
There are many possible reasons why you can miss your ex. And if you miss her, there are some things that you can do, and there are also some things that you should avoid doing.
I Miss My Ex-Girlfriend: 14 Reasons Why
1. She was also your best friend
Sometimes your girlfriend is your best friend at the same time.
You love spending time together, she’s the person you’re having the most fun with, and you feel very comfortable around her. This is a very special kind of relationship and not every couple experiences this.
However, even though your relationship can be great, there could be many reasons why you’re breaking up anyway. Maybe you don’t want the same for the future. Or maybe you’re not in love anymore.
After this breakup, it’s very likely you don’t hang out a lot together anymore. And even though the breakup might have been best for both of you, you will miss her a lot. That’s because, besides being your girlfriend, she’s also your best friend.
This can be a very difficult situation, as spending time together might be difficult because of the breakup. But not spending time with her her means you’ll also miss your best friend.
2. You still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend
One of the reasons why you might miss your ex-girlfriend is that you still have feelings for her. If you’re still in love with her, it’s very hard to not be around her.
Now that you’ve broken up, you probably don’t see her as much as you did in the past. You also don’t have many conversations with her anymore. And you’re not intimate with her anymore.
If you still have feelings for her, this is very hard. Ask yourself if you still love her. If that’s the case, this is the reason why you miss her a lot.
3. You romanticize the past

Some people romanticize the past. Maybe you’re doing that as well. You may look back at your relationship with your girlfriend and only think about the positive aspects. Or you may believe it was better than it actually was.
For example, you may think about the moments you were having fun and the moments you felt like you really belonged together. You may feel like this was a large part of your relationship even if it wasn’t.
But you may not think about the fights, the things you didn’t enjoy about your time together, and the reason why you broke up.
If you romanticize the past, you’re going to miss your ex-girlfriend much more than if you don’t romanticize it. You may even miss a version of her and your relationship that never really existed.
Try to be realistic and remember how you really felt during your relationship.
4. The breakup was very recent
If the breakup was very recent, it’s likely you miss her.
She was a very large part of your life, and now you probably don’t spend a lot of time with her.
This is a large change in your life and it takes time to get over this. For a long time, she was the person you loved the most.
5. You’re lonely
Another reason why you might miss your girlfriend is that you’re feeling lonely. You’ve spent a lot of time with your girlfriend and maybe you’re used to having someone around.
Even if you didn’t see each other much, you did talk to her and you knew she was there. If this ends, you may feel very lonely.
It’s possible that you miss spending time with someone, talking to someone, and having fun with someone. Especially if you’re alone a lot, this could be the reason why you miss her.
6. You miss the life you shared together

If you feel like you miss her, it’s also possible that you actually miss the life you shared together. For example, maybe you lived together. You might miss the house you lived in and the routines.
You probably used to spend a lot of time with her family. Now that you broke up, you likely also don’t see her family a lot.
A lot changes after a breakup and even though you might be sure that the relationship wasn’t going to work in the long term, there are many things you can miss about the time you were in this relationship.
7. You really want to get back together
It’s also possible that you miss your ex-girlfriend because you really want to get back together.
It’s possible that at the time of the breakup, you really thought breaking up was the best for both of you. And it’s also possible that she broke up with you and you were heartbroken at the time.
After spending some time apart, you might realize that you feel like she is the one for you. If that’s the case, you can miss her a lot.
8. You miss the emotional connection you had with her
It’s also possible that you actually miss the emotional connection you had with her. If this was a very strong connection, this could be the reason why you miss her a lot.
Maybe she was the first person that really understood you. Or maybe you felt like she was the only one that really knew you. If this is the case, it’s very normal that you miss the emotional connection you had with her, and therefore, miss her a lot.
Also, if it’s hard for you to open up to somebody, you’ll miss her even more, because this means it’s hard for you to have an emotional connection with anyone else.
It can be great to talk to a friend about your feelings. If you feel like they understand you and you can really talk to them, you may feel less sad about not having an emotional connection with your ex-girlfriend anymore.
9. You feel rejected because she broke up with you or because she started dating someone new
Another reason why you might miss her is that you feel rejected. If she was the one that broke up with you, this could be the reason. But it’s also possible that you broke up with her, or you decided to go separate ways together, and she started dating someone new.
It’s important to figure out if this is the reason that you still miss her. Would you actually want to spend time with her now? Or do you feel like it bothers you that she doesn’t want to spend time with you? These are two completely different things.
10. You miss the physical intimacy you had with her
If you’re missing the physical intimacy, you can also feel like you miss her. Maybe you haven’t been intimate with anyone else since your breakup. This can be something you miss a lot.
Try to figure out if you only miss this, or if you also miss the conversations you had with her, the dates you went on, and the moments when you were just spending time together.
11. You have regrets
It’s also possible that you have regrets. Maybe you did things in your relationship that you’re currently not proud of. Maybe you would have handled things very differently now you look back at your relationship.
If you feel like you wish you could change things you did in the past, this can also be the reason why you feel like you miss her.
This could mean that you actually want to get back to her. But it’s also possible that you don’t want to be in a relationship with her anymore, but that you just wish you treated her better. Both can mean you miss her at the moment.
12. You’re sad because you lost someone you loved
If you broke up, you lost your ex-girlfriend. Even if you feel like breaking up was the best for both you and your ex-girlfriend, this is a very sad thing to go through.
You spend a lot of time with your ex-girlfriend and you loved her a lot. And now, all of a sudden, she isn’t a large part of your life anymore. It takes time to get over this. And it’s very normal to miss your ex-girlfriend a lot, even if you know you don’t belong together. It can take months to get over this.
13. You feel nostalgic
It’s also possible that you feel nostalgic. Especially if you’ve broken up a long time ago, and all of a sudden, you start to miss her, this can be the reason why.
You probably made a lot of memories with your ex-girlfriend. Maybe you went on several vacations together. Or maybe you did a lot of fun things with her. You may have gone to the movies, had many fun dates, and spend some romantic time together.
Maybe she was there when you did some things for the first time in your life. And maybe you even moved in together. All these memories can be very beautiful.
Even though you broke up, it’s very likely that you have lots of great memories as well. Feeling nostalgic is very normal. And this can also be the reason that you feel like you’re missing your ex-girlfriend.
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you actually miss her and your relationship a lot. This can also mean that you just miss the memories.
14. She has a new partner and you’re jealous
It’s also possible that you didn’t really miss your ex-girlfriend after the breakup. However, now she’s in a new relationship and you, all of a sudden, have the feeling that you’re missing her.
This can happen because you might feel jealous because she has a new partner. Even though you didn’t really miss her a lot, it might be hard to realize that she really moved on now. And this can give you the feeling of missing her.
What (NOT) to do
1. Don’t do things that keep reminding you of her
You’re currently missing your ex-girlfriend a lot. You might still be in love with her, be heartbroken, and very sad. It’s best to avoid things that remind you of her.
For example, try not to listen to that one song you always listened to together. And try not to watch the movie you always used to watch with your ex-girlfriend.
In the future, when you’re healed, you can do this again. But at this moment, it will hurt a lot and only remind you of how much you miss her.
2. If you really think she’s the one and you want to get back together, reach out to her
After your breakup, you might realize that breaking up wasn’t a great idea. Maybe after spending some time apart, you realize that she really is the one for you.
If that’s the case, it might be a great idea to reach out to her. However, if you’re sure she doesn’t want to get back together, I wouldn’t recommend this. For example, if she broke up with you and she was very clear that she doesn’t see a future with you, reaching out is not a great idea.
But if you broke up with her or if you both agreed to be friends might be better, you can reach out to her and tell her that you miss her a lot. She might feel the same way.
Some couples break up and after that, they realize that they love each other a lot and want to be together.
However, if she tells you she really doesn’t want to pursue anything with you anymore, then you have to let it go. Stop contacting her if she doesn’t want you to reach out to her.
3. Talk to friends or family
If you miss your ex-girlfriend a lot, try to talk to friends and family about this.
They will probably understand you and they can help you get over this breakup.
Besides that, if you feel like you want to get back together, they can give you advice. Talking about your feelings will make you feel better.
4. Realize that falling in love again is possible
You might feel like she’s the only one for you. Maybe she’s the only girl you’ve ever really loved. Or maybe you’ve loved others in the past, but you never loved anyone the way you loved her.
This may make it very hard to miss her. You may feel like you’ll never love anyone again. However, keep in mind that you can fall in love again. Of course, you’ll need a lot of time to heal and to get over this. But if you give yourself enough time, you can find someone new.
5. Look for distraction
If you miss her a lot, it can be great to seek distraction. Try to do many things you like. For example, watch your favorite movie. Or hang out with friends. Learn something new or go on a vacation.
Doing things you really enjoy will make you feel much better.
6. Realize that it’s okay to miss her
It’s important to realize that it’s okay to miss your ex-girlfriend. You shouldn’t blame yourself for this. No matter why you broke up.
Maybe you were the one that broke up with her, and you didn’t see a future with her, but you still miss her a lot. It might seem weird to you that you miss her even though you were the one that ended your relationship. But this is very normal.
You spend a lot of time with her and she was a very important part of your life. And maybe she broke up with you, and you’re angry with yourself that you keep missing her. Try not to be angry with yourself. You’re human and you loved this girl. It’s normal to miss her.
7. Don’t stalk her and if she doesn’t want you to reach out, respect that
You might feel like you and your ex-girlfriend belong together. It might feel like she’s the one and missing her might be one of the most hurtful things you’ve ever experienced.
However, if she tells you that she doesn’t want you to reach out to her, then you need to stop contacting her. Stop calling her if she doesn’t want you to call her. And stop sending texts if she doesn’t want you to send texts to her.
8. Give yourself enough time to get over this breakup
Getting over a breakup takes time. Losing someone you really loved a lot is very hard. Maybe your ex-girlfriend broke up with you and you didn’t see it coming at all.
You might still be very in love with her and you can’t even imagine a life without her. Or maybe you broke up with her, and you know it’s better this way, but you’re still heartbroken.
No matter what happened, breaking up is one of the hardest things that can happen. All of a sudden, you have to miss someone you used to spend a lot of time with.
Maybe you even lived together and your whole life changes now that you broke up. But even if you didn’t live together and you were in a long-distance relationship, it’s extremely sad. It’s very important to give yourself enough time to get over this breakup.
9. Realize that missing her doesn’t always mean you need to try to get back together
Sometimes you can miss your ex-girlfriend and realize that you really want to get back together. If you think she might feel the same, you can reach out to her. But missing her often doesn’t mean you need to try to get back together.
It’s very normal to miss someone even though you’re not meant to be together. For example, if she made it very clear that she doesn’t see a future with you, you need to respect that and let it go.
And if she wants to be in a relationship with you, but you think it will definitely not work, then missing her doesn’t mean you should start dating her again.
After a breakup, you need time to heal and it’s very likely that you’ll miss her for a long time, even though being a couple isn’t an option anymore.
10. Take care of yourself
You’re going through a hard time. Missing someone you loved a lot is very sad. Especially now, it’s important to take care of yourself.
Take enough rest, try to do many things you like, and eat food you enjoy. Make sure to be kind to yourself.
11. Try to make new memories
You might have a lot of memories with your ex-girlfriend. This will make getting over the breakup even harder and it makes missing her more difficult.
That’s because it’s hard not to think about her if you spend so much time together and if you experienced a lot with her. Making new memories with other people will make this easier.
It will allow you to recall other experiences that don’t involve your ex-girlfriend.
12. Don’t start a new relationship before you’re ready
If you still miss her, you need to heal from the breakup. Make sure you’re not rushing into a new relationship because you miss your ex-girlfriend.
This is not a good way to start a new relationship. Before doing so, you need to be ready to fall in love again. And if you miss your ex a lot, this will take some time.
Final Thoughts
There are many reasons why you can miss your ex-girlfriend. For example, maybe your girlfriend was also your best friend or you miss the life you shared together, which makes you feel like you miss her.
But it’s also possible that you still have feelings for her or that the breakup was very recent. Besides that, feeling nostalgic or missing the emotional connection can also make you miss your ex-girlfriend. And there are some other reasons that can explain this.
It’s important to realize that it’s normal and okay to miss her. If you feel like you really want to get back together you can reach out to her, but you shouldn’t do that if you know she doesn’t want you to reach out.
Also, it’s possible to miss her but at the same time, be sure that you don’t see a future with her.
Give yourself enough time to get over this breakup, take good care of yourself, and try to talk to friends or family about your feelings.