Do you think your girlfriend is cheating on you but you can’t prove it? Then you’re probably wondering what you should do and what you shouldn’t do.
Maybe your girlfriend has been acting very distant lately. Or maybe you saw her with someone else and you’re not sure if they are just friends or if more is going on. If you think she may be seeing someone else but you’re not sure, there are some things that you can do and there are some things you should definitely avoid doing.
I Think My Girlfriend Is Cheating But I Can’t Prove It: What (Not) To Do
1. Consider if there are really signs she’s cheating or if you’re just afraid
If you think she’s cheating but you can’t prove it, you first need to ask yourself why you think she’s cheating.
Have things been different lately? Are there any signs that she’s cheating? Or do you just have a hard time trusting her?
Maybe something happened in the past. If your ex-girlfriend cheated on you in your past relationship, it may be very difficult for you to trust your current girlfriend. Maybe you feel like she’s cheating even though there aren’t any signs. This can happen if you feel insecure at the moment.
It’s important to consider if there really were any signs or if it’s just your own insecurity. If there weren’t any signs, it’s best to let it go.
Trust is important in a relationship. And if you really think there are signs that she’s cheating, then it’s important to find out if that’s really what’s happening.
2. Don’t overanalyze everything she does
Once you assume she might be cheating on you, everything she does might seem like proof she is cheating on you.
You feel like she’s not kissing you the way she used to. And you may feel like she’s on the phone all the time. Or you feel like she’s receiving much more texts than she did in the past.
However, it’s very important to not start overanalyzing everything she does. It’s possible that she isn’t cheating but once you think she might be doing so, you may feel like everything she does confirms what you were already thinking.
This isn’t a good thing for several reasons.
First, it is not a good way to find out if she really is cheating. To be sure she’s cheating, you need to have proof. For example, you need to see her kissing someone else. Or she needs to tell you after you tell her you’re worried about this.
Overanalyzing the things she does will not help you find out the truth. It can even make it harder if you misinterpret signs.
Besides that, it’s also not good for your relationship if you start overanalyzing the things she does. She can notice you’re doing this and this can feel very uncomfortable for her.
Also, overanalyzing the things she does can make you very sad and it’s a very stressful thing to do. Rather than analyzing every single thing she does, from the way she smiles to the way she kisses you, try to make sure you have real proof.
3. Communicate with your girlfriend
If you think your girlfriend is cheating but you can’t prove it, make sure to communicate with her.
Don’t start accusing her, but tell her how you feel. Make sure she understands where you’re coming from.
Communication is very important in a relationship. Tell her why you feel like something’s off and tell her that it’s important for you to know what’s going on.
4. Ask yourself if something else might be going on

If you think she’s cheating on you but you can’t prove it, it’s also possible something else is going on.
Maybe she’s been acting differently lately. This might be the reason why you think she is seeing someone else. However, it’s important to realize there are many other possible reasons for this.
You’re her boyfriend and it’s important to support her. Maybe something happened at her job that makes her feel uncomfortable. Or maybe her best friend has a problem which is why she’s texting much more than she used to.
But it’s also possible that she has a lot of stress at the moment which is why you may feel like she’s acting distant. It’s important to communicate with her and find out if something else might be going on. If that’s the case, you can help her.
5. Do not take revenge because you’re angry or sad
You may be very angry because you think your girlfriend is cheating on you but you can’t prove it. However, it’s very important to not take revenge.
Maybe you feel very sad because you think your girlfriend doesn’t care about you because she’s cheating on you. Because of this, you may want to cheat yourself so your girlfriend understands how you feel. However, this is a very bad idea.
You’re still not sure if she actually is cheating. And if it turns out that she never cheated on you, but you started cheating on her because of your assumptions, you’re actually the one in your relationship that’s cheating.
And this could be the end of your relationship.
Besides that, if it turns out that you were right and she did cheat on you, then it’s also best to not take revenge. You have to consider if you want to be in this relationship or if you want to break up.
If you want to break up, you can date other girls again. But if you don’t you have to work for your relationship with your girlfriend, you’ll have to communicate a lot, and if you also cheat on her this is going to be much harder than it already is.
6. Don’t start acting very differently
If you think your girlfriend is seeing someone else, you may feel very sad and angry. However, it’s still possible that she isn’t seeing someone else.
And if you’re not planning on telling her that you’re worried about this, you shouldn’t start acting very differently around her.
For example, make sure to not be passive-aggressive. It’s possible that she isn’t cheating, and if you start acting very weird or angry towards her, this isn’t good for your relationship.
Also, this isn’t fair to her, as you aren’t even sure she’s cheating on you.
7. Make sure to not ignore your feelings
It’s important not to ignore your feelings. If you feel like she may be cheating, it’s important to find out if that’s really what’s happening.
Even though it makes you very sad, you have to know the truth. If it turns out that she is cheating, you have to consider if you still want to be in this relationship.
Maybe you want to break up if it turns out that your girlfriend is cheating on you. But it’s also possible that you don’t want to break up immediately. You may want to give your girlfriend another chance.
However, no matter what you prefer, it’s important to find out if she’s cheating so you can decide what you want to do.
And even if it turns out she isn’t cheating, it’s best to know for sure. As soon as you find out that she wasn’t cheating, you’ll feel much happier and you’ll have more trust in her.
And that’s a good thing for your relationship. So in short, make sure to not ignore your own feelings even though it may be a very difficult situation.
8. You shouldn’t blame yourself
If you think she’s cheating on you but you don’t have evidence, it’s important to not start blaming yourself.
Maybe you start thinking about the past few months and realize that you weren’t the best version of yourself. However, this shouldn’t be a reason for your girlfriend to cheat on you.
If she was unhappy in the relationship, she should’ve told you so you could work on this together. Or she should have broken up with you if she didn’t see a future with you anymore. Cheating isn’t the way to solve this.
For that reason, it’s important to not start blaming yourself. And besides that, you’re not even sure if she’s cheating on you. You should not blame yourself for something that may not even be happening.
9. Make sure to be patient
Even though it’s a very stressful situation, it’s important to be patient.
It may take some time to find out if she really is cheating.
Make sure to take enough time to find out and not jump to conclusions if you don’t have any evidence.
10. Consider if you have evidence
Before being convinced that she’s cheating on you, you need to be sure. Consider if you really have evidence that she’s cheating.
It’s also possible that it’s only just a feeling. Maybe you’ve been hurt in the past and it’s very hard for you to trust someone. This can give you the feeling that your girlfriend is cheating on you even if that isn’t true at all.
Do you really have any proof? For example, you may have seen her with another guy. This could mean she’s cheating, but it’s also very likely that they are just friends.
Also, maybe she’s been telling you that she’s been spending a lot of time with her friends, and you’re worrying that this isn’t true and that she is actually cheating.
Still, this is just a feeling and you don’t have any evidence. Before jumping to conclusions, you have to be sure she is cheating. Otherwise, this isn’t good for your relationship.
11. Couples therapy
If you think your girlfriend is cheating on you but you can’t prove it, it may be a good idea to get couples therapy.
Especially if you already confronted her several times and she keeps denying it. There may be issues in your relationship that you need to work on.
For example, maybe it’s very hard for your to trust her. Even though she keeps telling you that she isn’t cheating, you may not be sure.
If this keeps happening, then this may not be good for your relationship. Trust is a very important part of a relationship. Couples therapy can help if you have this problem.
12. Don’t accuse her if you’re not sure she’s cheating
If you’re not sure she’s cheating on you, make sure to not start accusing her. If she isn’t cheating on you, it can be very hurtful for her if you accuse her.
This can result in a fight and that’s not good for your relationship.
Also, accusing her if you’re not sure yet isn’t going to solve this issue. If she’s cheating, accusing her won’t always make her tell the truth.
13. Respect her privacy

Even though you feel like she might be cheating, it’s still important to respect her privacy. You’re not sure yet so this means that it’s likely that she isn’t cheating at all.
If you’re going to look through your girlfriend’s phone, this isn’t good for your relationship. Maybe doing so feels like the best option if you think your girlfriend is cheating but you can’t prove it. However, if she finds out you did so, she may feel like she cannot trust you.
Besides that, if she doesn’t find out you did this, you’ll have a large secret for her. Even though this may seem like an easy way to find out if she’s seeing someone else, it’s best to avoid doing this. There are other ways.
14. Don’t gossip about your girlfriend
Make sure to not start gossiping about your girlfriend and the person you think she’s cheating with.
Again, you’re still not sure if she’s cheating, and if you tell everyone she might be cheating, this can be. bad for your relationship.
She won’t be happy if she found out you did this if she wasn’t cheating at all. Talking about your feelings with friends and family is a good thing to do, but make sure you don’t start gossiping a lot.
15. Don’t confront her in public
Make sure to not confront her in public. Maybe you’re at a party and all of a sudden, she’s getting texts again. You might feel like you’re sure now and that these texts can only be from one person, the person she’s cheating with.
This may make you feel very angry. And you might want to confront her at that moment. However, try to avoid this.
It’s better to confront her if there aren’t many other people around. This way, it’s easier to communicate. It’s easier for her to tell you what’s really going on.
Also, if it turns out that she wasn’t cheating, and you confronted her in public, then people may start thinking that she did cheat. This can be very hurtful for her.
Furthermore, if it turns out that you were right all the time and she did cheat, it’s better to find out when you aren’t in public. You feel very sad and maybe you have to cry a lot. You may want to have a very long conversation with her. This is much more comfortable if you aren’t in a public place.
16. Don’t jump to conclusions
Once you think your girlfriend is seeing someone else, you may feel like you keep seeing signs that confirm your thoughts.
Every time she gets a call you may feel like it’s the person she’s cheating with. And if she’s home later than expected you might immediately think that she must have been on a date with someone else.
However, you have to avoid jumping to conclusions too soon. Before concluding that she’s cheating, you have to be sure. Otherwise, this may be very bad for your relationship.
You’ll be very sad because you think she’s cheating even though it’s still possible that this is not happening.
Did you see her with someone else? Or did you hear her tell someone else that she loved that person on the phone? And are you sure this wasn’t just a family member or her best friend? Before jumping to conclusions, consider how much proof you really have.
If you think your girlfriend is cheating but you can’t prove it, you’re probably very confused and sad. It’s important to not jump to conclusions and to be sure you have evidence before you’re convinced she’s cheating on you.
Also, it’s important to consider if there are really signs she’s cheating or if you only think this because you’re insecure. If it’s hard for you to trust someone, the latter may be the reason why you’re thinking she’s cheating.
Don’t overanalyze all the things she does, and don’t accuse her of cheating on you if you’re not sure. Communication is always important in a relationship, so make sure to communicate with her.
If you find out that she really is cheating on you, you can decide if you still want to break up or not. But until then, be patient because it will take some time to find out the truth.